ReVive was founded by Church Mission Society (CMS) Mission Partners Andy and Rose Roberts who have being working in Olinda, Brazil, since 2008. ReVive works with girls who have suffered from abuse or exploitation and have had to leave their families. They live at the ReVive house where the team helps them restore their lives after the traumas of the past and renew their hope for a better future.
Warmth, acceptance and love lie at the heart of these endeavours and I will try and add a link to one of the videos of their work...
A church in Speke (based in its own cafe) gives people "hugs" (personally and prayerfully knitted scarfs wrapped in a clear bag) complete with a personal dedicated card from the knitter. They're (freely) given out to anyone deemed to be in need of a "hug". Know someone who is "down", bereaved, recently divorced or having a hard time? Give 'em a "hug"... Just imagine how many "hugs" our local knitters could produce.....!
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