It was interesting to hear the priest conducting a baptism speak of the annointing of the baby with oil as a form of "trigger" to mark, celebrate and "bring out" the God given gifts within the child. (God) parents were encouraged to help the child discern these gifts and, over the years, help bring them out. We were reminded that God delights to see us make the most of the gifts we are given. I loved the idea of the annointing being a physical manifestation of these blessings...
Travelling from the lush tropical rainforest of Iguazu to Argentina's second city, Cordoba, came as something of a shock! Firstly, there were all the usual trappings of a city - traffic, buildings, people, hustle and bustle. (The very comfortable but "simple" hotel was also a bit of a come down! Indeed, intermittent wifi has made sending blogs a challenge but, here we are...!) Although a travel cliche, Cordoba really is a fascinating mix of old and new... 17th century ecclesiastical buildings stand next to the latest shopping centres. CLEVER: Indeed, this city boasts a long established academic foundation: Manzana Jesuitica, Argentina's first university (so it claims!). The next door academic establishment, Colegio Nacional de Montserrat, with its baroque exterior walls, may be as old - it all depends on whether you consider the date building began or charters were established! Visiting the university's oldest library and being shown a 17th century bible...
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