That's what the indigenous people call this place - IGUACU.
Since a teenager, watching on of those travel shows, I've always wanted to visit this amazing natural phenomenon - a jaw dropping, visceral experience of hundreds of waterfalls some 3 kilometres in extent which form the border between Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
Here I will cross the border and continue to journey (with great thanksgiving) trusting in God"s great provision...
A church in Speke (based in its own cafe) gives people "hugs" (personally and prayerfully knitted scarfs wrapped in a clear bag) complete with a personal dedicated card from the knitter. They're (freely) given out to anyone deemed to be in need of a "hug". Know someone who is "down", bereaved, recently divorced or having a hard time? Give 'em a "hug"... Just imagine how many "hugs" our local knitters could produce.....!
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