That's how one guide, originally from one of the outlying indigenous communities, greeted us for our jungle hike.
(Picture me with sunhat, long trousers, my "birthday" boots PLUS shin guards to protect from snake attacks stressing as to what lay ahead!)
Born and brought up in the rainforest, Lorrono our guide spoke of learning the "rhythmn" and "life" of the jungle rather than human beings trying to "dominate" and "overcome" it. "That way lies danger and death!" he warned.
As he spoke with us on our expedition I sensed that there was great humility and respect for a force greater than himself, plus a sense that he recognised that his life was totally dependant upon this awesome power beyond....
He was not to simply sit back, do nothing and let this power "be" but, over time, to learn the ways to live well, to be fruitful according to this power beyond...
This, he confessed had taken much time, patience, pain and suffering - as well as the help and advice of others as he sought to discover the abiding power at the core of his "home" on earth...
Isn't that also our calling,too, as Christians; to discover the power beyond (God?) within whom we live and move and have our being and to live in God and enable God to live in us - wherever on earth we may call "home"....?
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