Marian Carson told me about her role Growing the Rural Church working with rural Mission Communities (groupings of parishes according to proximity) to develop their resources and, in particular their church buildings, to enable them to grow in prayer, make new disciples and serve the people of Devon with joy. ( The 3 diocesan 'strands' which run through all projects at all levels. Far more specific aims than " unlocking our potential"!?!)
She explained that this diocesan initiative aims to do this by supporting rural Mission Communities to partner with their local communities and external agencies to find sustainable missional, community, commercial or cultural uses for their church buildings, which benefit the whole community. (Sounds similar to what we've been attempting to do at St. Peter's.)
There are hopes that the public spaces offered by our rural church buildings, both for worship and extended missional, community, commercial or cultural use, are sustainably managed and able to remain open and available.
Relationships between our rural churches and their local communities are hopefully strengthened, and more people are drawn into the life of rural Mission Communities.
The website includes some interesting videos....
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