Thank you, Father, that I am chosen, And that you want me to enjoy my friendship with Jesus just as he basks in the joy of being the utmost object of your love. Like Jesus, let me not take you for granted; Help me to remain in your love by obeying your commands. Help me to remain in Jesus by fostering the intimacy he seeks with me Help me to walk closely with you, God, in step with your Spirit. Lord, make me fruitful on the vine, dependent on you, not withering on the ground from striving in my own weakness. May everything I do be for your glory: My prayers and praise to you, My loving care for others, My hope and joy in your incomparable worth. Lord, I submit to your pruning of my life and character, Knowing that it demonstrates your love for me, Knowing that it is to make me more fruitful for you. I choose to delight in you in all things – It is an honour to live in your love To know your love in my life, To love others with your love. ...